Terms & Conditions

  • All predicted expenses are based on our understanding of your needs and the timeframe you have given. Micro-improvements included, updates to functionality could result in further costs. Requests and demands should be politely confirmed and stated during a face-to-face encounter.

  • You agree to and accept the rules and conditions of Webverx by acknowledging a quotation. A quote can be acknowledged verbally, by email, by paying the initiation cost, or by signing it.

  • Customers must verify that all requirements have been taken into account in the quotes and that we are fully aware of their needs! Clients must provide us with specific instructions, any necessary progression, and any necessary precise information. If such details are not provided to us anytime soon, we will proceed based on the requirements we are aware of and adjust our quotation accordingly. Later, if a significant difference or ambiguity emerges, adapting to the changes might require additional expenditures. As such, you must describe each step in the creation of your website and make sure that the estimates you have gotten are true.
  • For the purpose of keeping an eye on costs and keeping track of the total, all details related to certain activities must be stated upfront and included in the proposal. We work ethically and rely on our clients to supply accurate information when the citation is issued. Webverx is not responsible for any inequality and consistency brought on by unclear demands.

  • Every job has its own time taking process. Little adjustments may be done within the stated time frame. It will be done on a per-person basis.
  • Webverx will make every effort to complete the project or adjustments by the deadline. Rational delays are allowed if features and functionalities are reinvented or changed.

  • Any delays brought on by the client could result in extra costs by pushing back the proposal and suggested time frames.

  • We don’t offer refunds or credit unless it’s at our exclusive discretion or if it’s required by the law.

  • Any flaws (programming faults) that are discovered during or right away after development are free of charge.
  • Rework on a task that has already been finished will result in additional costs. Once acknowledged, any modifications to the layout will come at an extra cost.

  • Any modifications required during development or after Go-Live clearance will result in additional fees. All further work must be paid for separately. Webverx won’t be held responsible for any inconveniences brought on by changing the suggested project.

  • All website content and pertinent materials must be delivered to us within the initial two weeks of project execution. Any potential or unplanned interruptions could result in project delays and, if they go beyond an acceptable time frame, additional costs.

  • Typically, the most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are used on PCs to test our web pages. If you need to check on another browser, kindly let us know beforehand.

  • The responsiveness of web sites is checked and tested using iPhones and iPads. Please notify us in advance if you plan to test on a different device.

  • Any additional hours needed to fix network problems if your site isn’t working will be invoiced separately. The additional technical fixes are not included in the service charges. 

  • Please keep in mind that administrative expenses will be $99 per week for any project that is delayed for longer than two months. Additionally, it can increase already-approved figures. 
  • A project must be put on hold with advance warning; otherwise, the team will not accommodate it.

  • There are no additional fees when you postpone a project. Before the project is suspended, we need the account to be updated. A thorough debate can be held if such a circumstance arises.

  • Software codes used by Webverx are copyrighted (open-source software is an exception). The codes can be determined to hand over at an additional cost for use once all prior receipts have been settled and established. The codes are altered so that the customer can reuse them. Under no circumstances will the codes be able to be replicated or sold again.

  • All codes created for any specific website are the property of Webverx.

  • Webverx ensures that any made-to-order software will come with a license for the client’s sole usage. The hosting fee includes the granting of this license. No connectivity to the software codes is allowed, and it cannot be communicated to any external hosts.

  • A commercial-grade internet is used to carefully construct the website or application. Based on website traffic, the website might not operate well if it were installed on an office network.

  • While Webverx makes every attempt to ensure that any third-party elements are appropriate, we have no control over any unanticipated restrictions placed on third-party elements. Our estimations do not include the cost of purchasing SSL, The payment Gateway, AdWords by Google, Plug-in licenses, and other items.

  • For accessible solutions like WordPress, Open-Source Carts, Joomla, etc., Webverx disclaims any responsibility. Updating all components and third-party software is the client’s responsibility. We advise the client to undertake routine holdups in order to prevent disruptions.

  • Packages are offered by Webverx in association with outside retailers. Our services could be impacted by modifications to the third-party provider’s policies and procedures.

  • Delays may occasionally be inevitable. You won’t hold us accountable for any delays that might have happened accidentally as long as we make a good faith effort to stick to the suggested schedule.

  • Unless otherwise stated, domain registration, renewal, and other associated costs aren’t included in our project or proposal. If a client chooses to pay for such products, we will offer an additional estimate and obtain their consent.

  • The quotation excludes hosting costs. If necessary, Webverx can arrange a suitable hosting solution; a quote will be sent to each client separately and must be approved by that client. When clients choose to handle their web host, they should get in touch with us before deciding on the kind of web host and information system since they need to adhere to the development technology’s requirements. Please keep in mind that in order to test and manage the application, we will want unrestricted access to the site and hosting services.

  • Any disruptions or faults brought on by the hosting company’s direct or indirect acts shall not be held against Webverx.

  • Webverx frequently evaluates websites on our servers or domains. Our test server and websites are not accessible to third parties directly. The website can be moved to a specific third-party server once all bills and payments have been settled in full.

  • Regardless of any other clause in the agreement, Webverx will unconditionally permit the customer to duplicate, publicize, participate, use, differ or otherwise interact with the graphical effects, texts, and photos used in the publishing webpage and its associated form and functionality upon payment in full of any unpaid fees. 

  • Intellectual property used in the production of the website, such as ongoing development of structures for databases, scripts, forms, or capabilities, is not included.

  • All correspondence and communications are done via email. The client must therefore keep us informed of their present email addresses.
We collect numerous types of data for various purposes to improve & provide our service.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Once the task has started, we would not issue refunds due to the nature of the job.

  • The client has the right to stop using the service at any moment, but if they do so within the current month, they won’t receive a refund. The client must deliver a written notice, which may be sent via email or text communication. No prorated payments will be permitted, even though the future payment will be stopped in this instance.

  • If the customer disregards Webverx’s recommendations and approvals for particular changes (“White Hat” only), such as SEO research techniques, content changes, keyword optimization, webpage analysis techniques, website connectivity, and structure, no refund will be given.
  • No refund will be given if a client hires another SEO company or manages SEO on their website concurrently with our contract term.

  • A rebate will not be released if the client does not provide the required web access for SEO needs or if the client’s website is inactive or not operating properly.

  • Once the customer accepts the mock-up designs and the project proceeds to the testing phases, no payout will be refunded.

  • For unique event-related services that our sales team has arranged, we strictly do not accommodate cancellations. These are limited-time deals that cannot be canceled without at least 30 days’ notice.
  • Although packages for online marketing and optimisation for search engine optimization (SEO) are non-refundable, the customer may cancel by giving written notice 15 days in advance.

  • For projects that have been inactive, left out, or vacant for longer than 30 days, we do not reimburse funds or payouts.

Disputes, Liabilities & Indemnity

  • In the event of a disagreement, Webverx reserves the right to bring legal action against the customer and hold them fully liable for the services rendered and the costs incurred in resolving the conflict. In this case, Webverx maintains the right to bill the customer without honoring any previously agreed-upon markdowns. Webverx will not be held responsible for any damages brought on by misrepresentation or negligence.
  • If our company’s operating principles and regulations’ criteria are not in line with or fulfilled, Webverx reserves the right to terminate service strictly to any client.
  • Webverx provides its services “as is,” without any warranties regarding current security or other problems that might cause data leaks, statistical anomalies, or reputational harm. Although we take every precaution to protect our networks and systems from hackers, viruses, intrusions, and other online and offline threats, we cannot be held liable for any network outages that may occur.
  • With its partners and subcontractors, Webverx keeps independent relationships and transactions. No party has the authority, right, or jurisdiction to obstruct or restrain the other, or to hold any commitments or authorities, either expressly or implicitly, on the other’s behalf or in their name.
  • Clients must agree to hold Webverx, its licensors, creators of content, network operators, staff, agents, officers, directors, contractors, and subcontractors (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless and inoffensive for any breach of these Agreements and Constraints or any other terms, conditions, policies, or procedures, such as any use of the content that isn’t expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions. The customer must acknowledge that Webverx will not be held responsible for any such blatant violations or unauthorized uses. You consent to keep the parties who have been indemnified harmless from any loss, damage, judgments, costs, bills, and attorney fees.
  • Additionally, you agree to defend and keep the parties who have been indemnified harmless from any lawsuits brought by third parties due to your use of Webverx’s data.
  • Webverx will not be held responsible or liable for any breach of the agreement caused by, but not limited to, acts of local, state, or federal government or other competent authorities, fires, explosions, war, natural disasters, labor conflicts (whether or not including their employees), harsh weather, or other calamities.

Intellectual Property

  • It is compulsory to note that, Webverx owns the copyright to all of the material on this website. Webverx reserves the right to make changes to the content or policies at any time. As we have the ownership, we can make changes to our content without prior notice or proclamation.

  • Webverx reserve the right to prevent the transfer of ownership in the event that a client declines to pay the balance due or raises a payment dispute with their bank.

  • The right to reclaim the code on another website or to sell the source code for profit, whether for business or non-profit purposes, is not included in the client’s copyrights. In the event of a company restructuring or shareholding change, ownership of the webpage might be moved and transferred from one owner to another. Reselling or recycling for business or personal use is not allowed by new owners.

  • In the event of a webmaster modification, site proprietors are not permitted to give credit to the new website unless the setup or design and visual layout have been changed by more than 50% from our initial work.

  • The right to make changes to the terms and conditions is reserved by Webverx.